This article addresses the challenges faced by the United States in maintaining a sustained approach to irregular warfare (IW), historically marked by a "boom...
In a new era of strategic competition, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) must identify opportunities to out-compete China and Russia when and where it...
Recent international military deployments have shown the prevalence of population-centric task settings. For Special Operations Forces (SOF), engaging with local populations is part of...
A common refrain whenever military leaders and policymakers are dissatisfied with military performance is to argue that Professional Military Education (PME) needs to change....
As the special operations profession enters a new era of Special Operations Forces (SOF) involvement in geopolitical competition in the “gray zone” as part...
ISBN 978-1-95271-506-8, Casemate Publishers, February 2021, 316 pages, $57.35 hardcover Reviewed by Anthony Lawson, Professor of Practice, Joint Special Operations University Over the last...
Robert M. Mitchell, Joint Special Operations University, Tampa, Florida, USA ABSTRACTThe article considers the process of ethical decision-making in the unique and ever-changing world...
Thomas R. Searle, Joint Special Operations University, Tampa, Florida, USA ABSTRACTThe Trump and Biden administrations loudly proclaimed the end of the counterterrorism era and...