This article addresses the challenges faced by the United States in maintaining a sustained approach to irregular warfare (IW), historically marked by a "boom...
In a new era of strategic competition, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) must identify opportunities to out-compete China and Russia when and where it...
Recent international military deployments have shown the prevalence of population-centric task settings. For Special Operations Forces (SOF), engaging with local populations is part of...
A common refrain whenever military leaders and policymakers are dissatisfied with military performance is to argue that Professional Military Education (PME) needs to change....
As the special operations profession enters a new era of Special Operations Forces (SOF) involvement in geopolitical competition in the “gray zone” as part...
ISBN 978-1-95271-506-8, Casemate Publishers, February 2021, 316 pages, $57.35 hardcover Reviewed by Anthony Lawson, Professor of Practice, Joint Special Operations University Over the last...